Romona’s message of Hope, Unity, Diversity and Faith.
- Women in White event
- Honorary Chair/Race for the Cure
- Romona’s Kids
Romona found the road to her purpose in her faith walk. Can she help you find yours, too?
Speaking Topics:
Finding Your Somewhere
You have a career, maybe a family now what? What is your true walk in life? Do you know your greater purpose?
Finding your place in the world can be tricky—especially with today’s loud, divisive noise. You feel pressured to pick a side or be left on the sidelines. This inspirational talk inspires audiences to take a deep look inside their souls and challenges them to find their true purpose for living and how they want to show up and be seen in the world. Most of us were taught to get an education, get married, have kids, buy a home and work. But what does building a fulfilling life truly look like? Audiences are wowed by Romona Robinson’s spiritual, inspirational story of growing up in extreme poverty on a dirt road to nowhere to finding her somewhere as a television news giant. More importantly, how along the way she found her true purpose and you can too.
Audience is encouraged to:
* Push past the challenges of life even when it feels insurmountable
* Motivated to block out the noise that threatens to derail path to greatness
* Arm them with nuggets she used to get through devastating times in her career:
racism, sexism, sexual harassment, pay equity
* Figure out the mark you’d like to leave in this world
Are You Willing to Do the Head Work and Heart Work to Prosper?
Based on my book: Poor Girl Rich Life: Discover His Plan to Prosper You
Romona Robinson grew up in the bottom 99% of this country, but God would propel her to the top of her television career. She inspires audiences to trust and have faith in the process that their prosperity is possible too. However, there are some changes required–both mentally and emotionally.
Audience results:
* Motivates you to reimagine your financial future
* Deal with hidden childhood money traumas
* Discover your true worth and how it has manifested in what you think you
* Stop squandering your money trying to buy society’s affection
Your Voice is Your Power
Based on my book: Your Voice is Your Power: Stop Believing Thoughts of Fear and Start Believing Who God Says You Are
Anxiety is threatening the mental health of our society. Recent studies show nearly 60% of our girls are sad or depressed. We are bombarded with thousands of voices from the time we wake up until the time we lay down for bed. Some of them good, but often bad–telling us awful things about ourselves. If you allow it, these voices can wreck your marriage, relationships, your job and even you! They will tell you awful lies about yourself. Romona Robinson knows, because she used to listen to the negative ones telling her “who she is, who she should be and who she’d never be.”
She challenges audiences to push past the debilitating voices that threaten to block our paths and ruin our futures.
Audience is encouraged to:
*Stop surrendering to negative thoughts and steps to take back your control
*Don’t allow debilitating voices to to dictate how you show up in the world
*Use grace, gratitude and self-love to fight the enemy
*The power is in “your voice” to change your life
Believe in You
Believe in your abilities. Know that you can compete for any job you apply for and win.
Remember failure is not a bad word, but a strength builder.
You’ve got the degree, now what? A recent LendEDU study found that as students get closer to graduating, they lose confidence in their career outlook. Many become fearful. It’s because the “real world” stressors kick in. Will I get a job in my field? How will I provide for myself if I don’t? Can I live with my parents? Emmy award winning anchor and trailblazer Romona Robinson lived through all of these scenarios. Fear and not believing she deserved a seat at the table threatened to derail her career path.
Graduates are celebrated and motivated with real talk:
* Encouraged to push past their fears and focus on their accomplishment
* It’s not a dream denied, just a dream delayed.
* Deliver motivational nuggets they can use when disappointments arise
* Be careful who you allow to guide and influence you
* Kindness always wins
Speaking Events:
Shooting Stars Movie/Guest Appearance 2023
Great Big Home & Garden Show Convention Speaker 2023
Lakeland College/Commencement Speaker 2023
Dress for Success/Keynote Speaker 2023
Sherwin Williams Groundbreaking Headquarters MC 2023
BASA Women’s Leadeship Conf./Keynote Speaker 2019
Ursuline College/Keynote Speaker 2019
Lakeland College/Keynote Speaker 2019
GE Lighting/Keynote Speaker 2018
SHPE Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers/Speaker 2018
HDI/Keynote Speaker 2018
Dominion Energy Ohio/Keynote Speaker 2018
Dress for Success/Keynote Speaker 2018
Susan G. Komen/Honorary Chair 2018
United Way of Lake County/Keynote Speaker 2018
Western Reserve Junior League/Keynote Speaker 2018
UA Black Male Summit/Keynote Speaker 2018